Monday January 1, 2024
– Disseminating Moon Phase – share, demonstrate, teach, learn, feed back, distributions, experience
– Moon in VIRGO –
– Retrograde Planets 2023 –
R – Uranus – Aug 28 – Jan 27
Stations Direct Today – Mercury Dec 13 – Jan 1
– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –December 31st – January 1st – Quit Smoking, Kill Plant Pests, Start Diet to Lose Weight, Mow to Slow Growth
– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – December 28th – January 1st – A barren period. Favorable for killing plant pests, cultivating, or taking a short vacation.
– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Kamala – the Lotus Goddess Who Brings Transcendence of Limitations
– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Elias, God of the West
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in SAGITTARIUS SUN/MOON – 21 SAGITTARIUS: a child and a dog wearing borrowed glasses (EARTH – 21 GEMINI: a tumultuous labor demonstration)
SUN – 11 CAPRICORN: pheasants display their brilliant colors on a private estate
EARTH – 11 CANCER: a clown caricaturing well known personalities
Happy Monday! Embrace this new year with both hands, bright eyes and an open heart.
What do you expect from this new year? Sometimes we like to plan and prognosticate about what will happen in the “New Year.”
Plans would include New Years resolutions and the like. Things like starting a diet or to make more money.
Prognostications are guesses about things that could happen in the next year.
What will you do?
Plans for Myself
– First is dieting. But I am not starting a diet. I have been on one since early in November. You see, in October I was put in the hospital with Sepsis. One of the many pieces of allopathic BS they threw at me was that I was Obese. At the time, I was 6’2″ tall and 225 lbs. Not the highest I have weighed. But also it would not even be considered particularly overweight. My clothing all fit decently. I could not see the problem, other than knee pain. So I decided I would go on a diet.
Now, I do not have a scale so I had no way to objectively track how I was doing. The diet I have used is pretty extreme – cut out all sugar and processed foods. It is a pain in the ass to follow and kind of expensive. So I hybridized it to cut out most sugar and as little processed food as possible. I also allow myself cheat days.
As I said, I could not really track it without a scale. I knew things were going pretty good as I am able to wear clothing which had been too tight. Also, my knees were not as painful. But last week I had my son at the pediatrician. When he was getting weighed and such, I quickly jumped on the scale. I was down to 205 lbs. 20 pounds is not bad.
So I am continuing on the diet as I have been doing it for at least another month. It would be pretty cool to get down to 195. Next will be integrating some of the better strategies I have used to maintain the weight loss. That will be the bigger chalenge.
– Second is money. We do not have enough by a long shot. So I will have to figure ways to make more. I have a feeling that both writing and astrology will have some part in this plan, but I haven’t worked it out.
– Third is tolerance – or you might rather call in intolerance. I cannot tolerate the endless bullshit coming out of the mainstream. Mark Twain famously quoted ‘If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you’re mis-informed.’ Now I have always endeavored to point out bullshit when I see it. I will be doing it more often now.
When I detect Bullshit from any of these sources, I like to check what their antithesis is saying. The bigger thing is to follow the same story from multiple sources. Example would be the Colorado court case kicking Trump off the ballot. Everyone has an opinion about this case and thee are so many angle to see it from.
Astrology – people who do not know much about astrology tend to think it is all about crystal balls and seeing the future. I pull the charts each day as well as read the energy at the new moon. I also follow Laura Walker’s Oracle Report. She reads the energy much more thoroughly than I do.
But forecasting the future is not an exact science. And when there are people involved, you can expect confusion. I like to say Pay Attention to it. When you know the energy is working against you, it is best to adjust your plans accordingly.
Election Year – While my hope is for a better year than last year, I believe that we have all the makings of a major shitshow. The economy sucks, which many elements in our present government have intentionally caused. Add to that the forever wars in the Mideast and Russia. And we have the media feeding it all. Things look grim.
For us, is it time to move to a neutral space in the country and hide until it’s over? Or do we just pop some popcorn and watch the show?
Figure it this way. We start the year with a Happy Monday. If you make it a good one, think about how much better it can get from there. I will certainly be working to make things better every day.
Some Calendarial Notes
All this continues in the tradition of following the Gregorian Calendar that sets the new year at an arbitrary spot on our journey around the sun. For my part, I put more credence in the Astrological Year – following the seasonal cycles and factoring in the New Moon in Aries (Which Happens to be April 8th at 2:20 PM). And then there are the 1.4 billion Chinese who ring in the new year on February 10th – The year of the Dragon. At the same time, 1.42 billion Indians have no agreement on what the New Year really is, as a lot of its different cultural units have different ways of tracking it.
For better or for worse, the Gregorian Calendar at least cans serve as a starting point. My Gregorian Calendar this year I picked up free at my bank last week. It has pretty pictures with gardens on it.