Sunday November 12, 2023
– Balsamic Moon Phase – release, transform, healing, forgiveness, prepare for the new

– Moon in AQUARIUS –
– Retrograde Planets 2023 –
R – Neptune – Jun 30 – Dec 6
R – Chiron – Jul 23 – Dec 26
R – Uranus – Aug 28 – Jan 27
R – Jupiter – Sep 4 – Dec 3
– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – November 12th – Jar Jams/Jellies, Mow to Slow Growth, Can Fruits and Vegetables, Prune Trees
– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – Nov 11th – 12th – Start seedbeds. Good days for transplanting. Plant carrots, beets, onions, turnips, Irish potatoes, and other root crops in the South.
– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Kali – Goddess of Beginnings and Endings – Kamala – the Lotus Goddess Who Brings Transcendence of Limitations
– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Elias, God of the West
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in VIRGO SUN/MOON – 22 LIBRA: a child giving birds a drink at a fountain arena (EARTH – 22 ARIES: the gate to the garden of all fulfilled desires)
SUN – 20 SCORPIO: a woman drawing aside to dark curtains that closed the entrance to a sacred pathway
EARTH – 20 TAURUS: wisps of clouds, like wings, are streaming across the sky
Happy Diwali!
Diwali is one of the most eagerly awaited festivals in India. It is popularly known as the festival of lights symbolizing the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. During this festival, people worship the goddess Lakshmi to seek her blessings for financial success and well-being. It is believed that she visits homes and blesses them with wealth and good fortune. Diwali is a time for family gatherings, exchanging gifts, enjoying sumptuous feasts and, most importantly, sharing love and good wishes with each other.
I Love Energetic holidays. And when I say energetic, I mean that there is a lot of emotion and feeling involved. Here in the Western World, we have Christmas, Easter, Halloween and the New Year. In the US, you can add Independence Day and Thanksgiving.
They are times when people come together and share in special times together. Not just individually, but as a people and a culture.
And here is why I like to point out major holidays like Diwali.
Consider Christmas. It is celebrated in the western world by . . . well Christians. So if you take the population of the Western World – about a Billion people – That is a lot of Christmas Energy put out in the air. Our world stops. Stores are closed. people either stay home or visit family. Not a whole lot gets accomplished. And the funny thing is that this extends all over the world.
In my previous life, I managed websites. And let me tell you. Internet traffic WORLDWIDE dies on December 25th. I can imagine that in a majority of Africa, the Middle East and Asia life goes on as usual on Christmas. But I cannot say for sure.
Now consider Diwali. 1.4 billion Citizens of India stop. The diaspora of the Hindu world equals almost 2 Billion. That is a whole lot of energy that we here in the United States know almost NOTHING about.
2 Billion people are getting together, wishing people prosperity and good luck, and enjoying time together. Even more I would suppose considering that there is a whole list of other holidays that are related and rooted in Diwali (found on Wikipedia):
Bandna – Agrarian festival that coincides with Diwali
Bandi Chhor Divas – Sikh festival that coincides with Diwali
Day of the Little Candles – the Colombian Catholic festival of candles
Diwali (Jainism) – Diwali’s significance in Jainism
Guy Fawkes Night – the British festival of bonfires and fireworks held on the first weekend of November. In towns with a large British Asian community, Diwali and Guy Fawkes festivities are often combined.
Hanukkah – the Jewish festival of lights
Kali Puja – Diwali is most commonly known as Kali Puja in West Bengal or in Bengali dominated areas
Karthikai Deepam – the festival of lights observed by Tamils of Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Kerala, Sri Lanka and elsewhere Lehyam, often prepared on the occasion of Deepavali to aid the digestion
Lantern Festival – the Chinese festival of lanterns
Saint Lucy’s Day – the Christian festival of lights
Swanti – Newar version of Diwali
Tihar – Nepali version of Diwali
Walpurgis Night – the German festival of bonfires
Just as an aside, Diwali is more that just a one day thing. It is a 4-5 day thing. It starts 5 days before the New Moon during the Harvest month (about October or November). You can look up the details about it if you like.
It starts with Dhanteras which was somewhere between Thursday and Friday here in the US. Dhanteras is a time when people make purchases to invite prosperity and blessings into their lives.
It ends with the New Moon – which here in the United States will be on November 13th at 4:27 AM. I will talk more about that tomorrow.
So if you are able, light a candle and wish the people you know and love success and well being. The energy is out there. Join with it.