Monday August 7, 2023
– Disseminating Moon Phase – share, demonstrate, teach, learn, feed back, distribution

– Moon in ARIES – Void of Course 12:13 AM – 2:25 AM Moving to Taurus
– Retrograde Planets 2023 –
R – Pluto – May 1 – Oct 11
R- Saturn – Jun 17 – Nov 4
R – Neptune – Jun 30 – Dec 6
R – Venus – Jul 22 – Sep 3
R – Chiron – Jul 23 – Dec 26
Mercury – Aug 23 – Sep 15
Uranus – Aug 28 – Jan 27
Jupiter – Sep 4 – Dec 3
– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – Aug 7th – – Ask for Loan, Mow to Slow Growth, Dig Post Holes, Paint, Advertise to Sell, Jar Jams/Jellies
– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) – Aug 7th – 8th – Good days for transplanting. Root crops that can be planted now will yield well..
– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): – Kali – Goddess of Beginnings and Endings
– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Kathe – God of the South, God of Frequencies, Harmonics, and Waves
– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in CANCER SUN/MOON – 25 CANCER: a leader of men wrapped in an invisible mantle of power (EARTH – 25 CAPRICORN: an Oriental rug dealer in store filled with precious ornamental rugs )
SUN – 15 LEO: a pageant moving along the street packed with people
EARTH – 15 AQUARIUS: two lovebirds sitting on a fence and singing happily
Happy Monday! Compliment three people everyday.
What is the definition of “Going Viral.” The analogy is to the action of a virus spreading multiplicatively throughout a host. It divides and replicates until it takes over.
In the cyber world it is where a single post is shared over and over again – starting in one place and then reaching millions from sharing.
There was a movie a few years back called Pay it Forward. It was filled with Oscar nominated actors (Haley Joel Osment, Helen Hunt and Kevin Spacey). It came after they had been nominated in the same year and Hollywood was hoping for magic by keeping them in the limelight – and their star power to make more gold.
I don’t think it did.
The movie was, nonetheless cute. And it told the story of the basic premise of creating a viral event. When someone does you some kind of favor, instead of paying them back, you should pay it forward – and do some kind of favor or good deed for someone else. Then ask them to do the same.
This was back in the year 2000 – before 9-11, before smartphones. And since a majority of people were still using AOL and accessing the internet through dial up modems, the idea of going viral was still not popular.
So the idea of a pay it forward – random acts of kindnesses – was a real feel good idea.
I was thinking about this as I came up with (I saw it somewhere on facebook actually as part of another list-meme) The Compliment 3 people Happy Monday message. It’s a way of spreading a little joy and happiness to a world that has been beaten down and ready to submit. Remind someone – a friend, a spouse, a child, a neighbor, a stranger – that there are nice people in the world and you see something good in them.
Accidental Astrologer – Episode 2 – The Astrology of The Black Moon

This morning I recorded the next Installment of The Accidental Astrologer with Sheila Corona. The series seeks to introduce topics about astrology that may not be well understood and explain them. There are lots of examples.
From Laura Walker’s Book The Black Moon: Guide to Healing the Shadow Side
There has been a missing piece in astrology – the Black Moon. This mysterious astrological body has been hidden in the shadows and mired in misconception. The Black Moon pinpoints our shadow side – the fractured part of the psyche that harbors a primary fear and keeps us locked in repetitive, self-sabotaging cycles of behavior. When the shadow side is identified and healed, we become whole and our untapped potential is liberated.
We are shown the two halves of ourselves that we need to unite in order to become complete. When the shadow side is brought into consciousness, a rare degree of clarity is imparted. Knowing the way in which we hold ourselves back, and understanding the unconscious fears and motivations behind many of our responses, enables us to make effective changes in our lives.
For a better understanding of your black moon placement, it can help to study your astrology chart. If you have not seen your chart, you can order it through Oracle Report. Check it out here: