Wednesday July 7, 2021

Wednesday July 7, 2021

– Balsamic Moon Phase  – release, transform, healing, forgiveness, prepare for the new

– Moon in Gemini

– Retrograde Planets – Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune

– Best Days (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –  July 5th – 6th – 7th – Cut Hair to Slow Growth, Quit Smoking, Wash Wooden Floors, Kill Plant Pests, Harvest, Mow to Slow Growth, Buy a Car, Host a Party, Write

– Planting Calendar (from the Farmer’s Almanac) –  July 5th  6th – 7th – Poor days for planting, seeds tend to rot in ground.

– Aspect of the Aeon Sophia: (Wisdom): Dhumavati, Goddess Who Winnows and Sorts

– Aspect of the Aeon Thelete: (Will/Desire): Kathe is Coming with the Solstice – God of the South

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month – New Moon in Gemini: “A cafeteria with an abundance of choices” (& “In winter people cutting ice from a frozen pond for summer use”)

– Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “A Woman in pastel colors carrying a heavy and valuable but veiled load”

16 CANCER: A man studying a mandala in front of him with the help of a very ancient book

16 CAPRICORN: School grounds filled with boys and girls in gymnasium suits

How Far Can You Walk?

It’s a pretty simple question with a not so simple answer for most people. I would guess that most people would think they could walk a pretty long way. But exactly how long is that? Have you ever (at least recently) put yourself to the test?

When I googled the question, the answer was thus:

While your body is made for walking, the distance you can achieve at an average walking pace of 3.1 miles per hour depends on whether you have trained for it or not. A trained walker can walk a 26.2-mile marathon in eight hours or less, or walk 20 to 30 miles in a day.

Consider how much you walk in a typical day:

  • Trip to the Grocery Store – from the parking lot, through the store and back to the car.
  • Out to the Mall – a little more real estate
  • Do you have a long walk from your parking lot at work?
  • Trip to the park?

Everyone’s lives are different. And living in the 21st century in the United States, most people have ready transportation and do not have to rely upon walking great distances.

10,000 Steps and Counting

There are people who follow fitness regimes to count their steps during the day. Using either step counters or apps on their phones, they track the number of steps they take. Following a regiment, a good goal is 10,000 steps. As I found on

  • Sedentary is less than 5,000 steps per day
  • Low active is 5,000 to 7,499 steps per day
  • Somewhat active is 7,500 to 9,999 steps per day
  • Active is more than 10,000 steps per day
  • Highly active is more than 12,500

So why is this relevant? Here is where I get back to the Shit Hitting the Fan. Should life as we know it go out the window, we may find ourselves (if we are alive) without the convenience of transportation. And should we be in a bug out situation, your ability to walk – potentially long distances, may be the difference between life and death.

An Honest Assessment

I asked the question about how far you could walk a) to see if you knew, and b) challenge you to figure it out if you do not know.

Let me explain. When I was about 30, I was a bicycle racer. I could go pretty much wherever I wanted for as long as I wanted with no question about whether I could physically make it. I was in excellent shape.

25 years later, I am not in the same physical shape. But mentally I can see myself doing the same things I used to. This is a disconnect between myself and reality.

Admittedly, I am still in decent shape. And have been endeavoring to be even better. Unfortunately the years have not been nice to my body. I have arthritis in my joints and weigh 50 lbs. more than I did back then. Which makes a difference. Last year I put myself to a test. I had to take my car to a garage to have some work done but did not have a ride home. It was about 4 miles away, so I walked.

I was not concerned,. In the end, it was no problem. But my family about exploded. Did they not believe that I could make it? Or did they look at themselves and believe that they could not make it? It is all in your head.

As a result of my arthritis, I recently took my bike in for a tune up – which I found after spending $100 could not be fixed. So I started rebuilding my second bike. Then age kicked me in the ass when I sprained my elbow fixing the seat post. I may stick to walking for a while.

The point of all this is to make an assessment of your physical fitness. How far can you walk if you had to? Push yourself – at least a little bit to see where you are. And if you are a little older, then assess how you feel the next day.

And you wonder why you need to know? Imagine where you might have to get yourself if the Shit Hits the Fan and you do not have a car to get you there? Do you need to walk down the street to find family members? Do you have to walk across town? Would you have to walk further? You lose a sense of these distances when you always have a car.

Consider this. Most people know the Christian story of the Birth of Jesus Christ. His parents had to travel from their home in Nazareth to the town of Bethlehem for a census. If you check out your personal Map of Israel, you will see that this is about 60 miles as the crow flies.

What would you do if you were told you had to walk 60 miles from your home? Could you make it? How long would it take? How much would you be able to carry?

And when the answers to those questions are not what you want them to be, ask yourself what you are going to do about it.